You would like to get rid of your vehicle or benefit from a tax credit on the purchase of your next one? Whether it was a spontaneous purchase that no longer meets your needs, a lease that you're busting the mileage or simply because you are sick of your old car, we are here to help you.

Whichever circumstance that brings you to want to get rid of your vehicle we can help you, through our Network, find the best resell value possible.

complete evaluation

A file opening will be necessary. This evaluation will result in actual offers from buyers for the vehicle. (Allow 10-15 minutes to complete all the information.)


You're leasing your vehicle and it no longer suits your needs or the payments are inappropriate for your budget?

We can evaluate with you the best options on the market, whether it's a client for a lease transfer or finding a buyer.

Our partnerships allow us to get the best possible offer in a wide network.

Selling my vehicle

You have a vehicle that is no longer needed and takes up space. 

We can help find a buyer for it.

Switch your vehicle

You want to get rid of your current vehicle and buy a new one or lease one. 

We can help with both aspect while getting you to save on taxes at the same time. We will make sure to get the best value for your current vehicle and will assist and help in every step for the acquisition of your new vehicle.  



You don't know any of our brokers. Please fill out a request and one of them will gladly contact you!

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